News Category

Stay up to date with the latest in the icon world with our blog posts. Delve into the world of graphic design, iconography, illustration and more with interesting reads and great tips. Go on, get reading!

4 must have icon packs for powerpoint

Need a range of icons for your next pitch or presentation? Made X Made shares some of the latest icons to transform your deck and captivate your audience. This is a must-read before your next big pitch!

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Made X Made icons are your perfect fit

Are you always in need of icons, but struggle to find consistently drawn and quality icons? This was the problem that we faced as graphic designers! Our solution was to create a mega library of quality icons that were consistently drawn and packed with features so our customers could adjust and adapt to get their perfect icon aesthetic!

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Why a consistent icon suite is so important

Icons can make or break design! Great designs can be ruined with inconsistent icons pulled from different resources or icon libraries. They lack continuity and provide mixed messaging that lacks cohesion and appeal, leaving otherwise great designs feeling unconsidered and inconsistent.

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